Challenge –
Perfectionistic students are often the hardest workers, but unfortunately never feel prepared enough for an exam. Once a project or exam is over (even when they achieve a praise worthy grade), their reaction is usually, “I could have done better.”
Insight –
The undertow of anxiety and striving without self-acknowledgement in high school can go unquestioned because top grades prevail. However, in the long-run, typically around the transition to university these bright sparks can burn-out and their drive to achieve dwindles.
Intervention –
Skills for effective study that reduce procrastination, setting goals that support striving with room for error, and building healthy beliefs and habits around achievement striving are so important for talented perfectionists to thrive.
Results –
This process of skills training and counselling has life-long benefits that support a shift in unhealthy perfectionistic habits toward conscientious striving.