Mental Toughness from a CrossFit Champion

Building and Practicing Mental Toughness from a CrossFit Champion’s Perspective

“I just really enjoyed the workouts…pushing the boundaries, seeing how far I could push my body, and getting “comfortable with the uncomfortable.” To be a formidable competitor as a CrossFit athlete, dedicated physical preparation is a must, but mental preparation ensures you are truly ready to deal with the adversity that CrossFit delivers. For an…

Hacking the Mind and Body

Hacking the Mind and Body for Performance: The Art of Sport Psychology Training in Sport, Business, and Life

The formula for optimizing performance in any arena can be defined in two ways: Hacking the Mind and Body For example, an executive experiencing a performance slump due to high stress, can spend a great deal of time and money increasing their knowledge and practice of relaxation techniques to calm their system. But, if the…